Kids Say The Funniest Things

What has been the funniest thing your little one has said recently?


April Emery said...

"Gather 'round. Let's break it down!"


"Mommy, Abigail took her pants off!"

ANITA said...

"Hey mom! Come look at my turd!" This isn't a normal term in our house but of course I looked at it in the potty and told my 2 year old how proud I was :)


"I can't wait until I never have to do math anymore!" Then I explained to my 7 year old that math will never go away :)

chezna said...

I am pregnant and my 4 year old son Wyatt said to me: "mommy you don't have a babie in your belly you have a tapeworm!" I was so grossed out...he laughed so hard. I don't even know where he learned the word tapeworm.ahhh