A "commissioning" for MOPS Moms

2010/2011 Chippewa E Free MOPS

To My Precious Friends & Mother’s of Preschoolers
You have been called, chosen and named as the Mother of each of your children.  God made no mistakes when He made you the Mother of each of your children.  He knew that you would be the one to teach them how to live, but He also knew that they would be the one to teach you to love beyond yourself.  God has given you everything you need to handle the daily struggles as well the overwhelming task of mothering your children to adulthood.  Now is the time to stop questioning your abilities and start to believe what God has promised you – that you can do all things through HIS strength.
You can…
Love each child in the way that speaks love to them
Discipline each child in the manner that will show them that they need to obey you, but also obey God
Create a safe, loving home environment where your children do not have to fear
Love and Respect your husband AND fall in love with him in a new, yet familiar way
Connect with your friends and laugh, cry, pray, email, and make play dates together even if each time you are interrupted
Find a few minutes for yourself along the way to connect with who God created you to be
Never forget what God provided for each of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus – Grace
Accept it ~ Apply it to yourself and your family
Live a Life of Grace knowing that you are forgiven for your past, your imperfections and for the times you blow it
Now go, put the kids in the car seat (again), smile as you get into your minivan (which you swore you would never own) and go forth into your world knowing that

You are loved
You matter
You are not alone
You are chosen by God to be the Mother of each of your children


Sandy Joseph has been a CEFC MOPS Mentor for over 8 years.  Click here for her blog.

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