Upcoming Service Project

It's time for our annual MOPS Service Project. This year we will be putting together surprise care packages for one of our own MOPS mom's husbands and the men he is serving with in the Airforce. The fly on missions to deliver and/or pick up supplies and personnel. The care packages we will be putting together for them are snacks for while they are flying, as they can be in the air for several hours. This will help pass the time on their missions.
Listed below are the ONLY items needed. Please DO NOT bring anything other than what is listed (no toiletries, etc). Please bring 2 items to our March 24, when we will be putting the care packages together:
  • licorice
  • hard candy
  • gum
  • beef jerky
  • nuts/sunflower seeds
  • chips (small bags only please)
  • cookies (small bags only please)
  • power bars/cereal bars


  • toiletry items
  • liquids
  • items that will melt (i.e. chocolate, etc)

Please pick two items and bring them to our March 24 meeting. Thanks!

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