Streamlining The Morning Routine

(found in September 2009 issue of Parents magazine)
Here are some ways to help make mornings before school (or preschool) run much smoother, without chaos following you out the door:
Make sure homework is done and all papers are signed.
Have the backpack ready to go and sitting next to the door.
Choose an outfit, all the way down to socks and shoes. Let your kids get involved with this.
Get the next day's "gear" ready to go (piano lesson materials, soccer gear, etc) so that you can just grab it and go.
Pack lunches (refrigerate over night if necessary).
Have a calming bedtime routine. Make sure your child gets enough sleep.
Plan a nutritious breakfast for the next morning (set everything you will need out).
Be the first one up so that your head will be on right when your kids get up.
Allow time for the slow riser or poky eater.
Have a "no electronics" rule before school. Turning things on like TVs, video games or computers only will add to the frenzy.
Stick to a routine every morning, but keep it simple.
Make sure the last moments with your kid are loving ones - give attention, a big hug, a kiss, a smile.

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