Tennis Balls + Down = Fluff

Are your down coats, vests, etc in need of a cleaning but you don't want them to end up all clumpy after a wash? Try this:
  1. Wash item(s) in a detergent such as Woolite, Woolite Dark (for dark colors like black, brown, navy, etc), or Woolite Color (for bright colors).
  2. Remove from wash immediately after final spin.
  3. Throw item(s) in dryer along with 2-3 tennis balls, more if you have a large load. It is recommended to dry only 2 or 3 items at a time to achieve best results.
  4. Remove from dryer immediately.
  5. You coat, vest, etc should be clean and fluffy ... just like new!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always used tennis balls when I washed my pillows!!!!