Learning From Other Mothers

What has been one of the best pieces of mothering advice you have ever received?


Sandra Joseph said...

The best advice I ever received was from my mom -- when I had our youngest daughter, she encouraged me not to make our 2 older daughters grow up too fast and be responsible for the baby (the older girls were 7 & 5 at that point). That reminder encouraged me that they were still little girls themselves.

Sandy Joseph
Recognize & Remember

Anonymous said...

Make time to play with your chilren and don't be afraid to show your silly side ... and to make time for yourself a priority.

Paula said...

My mother-in-law told us she would only ever give us one piece of parenting advice: "If you do it once, plan to do it 500 times." That has rang true for everything from giving hugs to how many presents are given to each child at Christmastime to the evening wrestling matches with Daddy. Kids love repetition and routine!

Anonymous said...

"Take time to look after yourself" and "You always have time for what you put first" - your DH and you need to know what your life's priorities are.


ANITA said...

"The dishes/laundry/dusting/etc. can and will wait for you. Go play with your kids now!"