Problem Solving and the Preschooler

8 Ways To Help Preschoolers Develop Better Problem-Solving Skills

  1. Provide a variety of open-ended toys that encourage creative thinking and experimentation.
  2. Talk out loud while you solve problems to model effective problem-solving strategies.
  3. Ask questions more often than you give answers. Get in the habit of saying, “What do you think we could do to solve this problem?”
  4. When your child is trying to solve a problem, think of yourself as a coach. Guide your child through identifying the problem, brainstorming possible solutions, choosing a solution to try and trying it, and evaluating how the solution worked.
  5. Help your child view mistakes as opportunities to learn.
  6. Try puzzles, tangrams, various math manipulatives, etc.
  7. Create your own scavenger hunt with clues – make them just tricky enough that your preschooler has to think without getting frustrated.
  8. Do simple science experiments together – practice making predictions and seeing what happens. Start with a sink/float experiment or search for things that are magnetic.

To find these tips and more information on problem-solving visit the Let's Explore Blog.

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